Lucy Angus
Assistant Professor
Location(s) / Contact Info:
217, Winters College - WC
Keele Campus
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 22846
Available to supervise graduate studentsAvailable to supervise undergraduate thesis projects
Lucy Angus received her doctorate from the Faculty of Education at York University in 2019 and joined the faculty in the same year. Lucy's work spans interdisciplinary approaches to early childhood education research and pedagogy. Her PhD thesis examined children’s perceptions of their experiences through literature, interviews, and case studies. Lucy's work is interested in constructions and figurations of childhood in the institutional and relational histories of education (particularly in times and accounts of trans and multi-disciplinarity) and how this knowledge of the child informs pedagogical, historical, methodological, and literary accounts. This background supports a pedagogical approach driven by inquiry and attention to how novel conceptions and experimental study can shape and transform early childhood education.
Scholarly Interests
Interdisciplinary Research in Early Childhood Education; Early and Emergent Literacy; Children's Literature; Psychoanalysis & Education (emotional worlds of children and teachers); Representations of Children in Educational Institutions, Intellectual Histories of Childhood and Early Childhood Education.
Faculty & School/Dept
- Faculty of Education -
Courses Taught
- Child Development & Health (ED/EDFE 1100)
- Critical Perspectives on the Theory and Research on the Behaviour of Young Children (GS/EDUC 5725)
- Cultural Representations of Education (ED/EDST 2500)
- Rethinking Schooling: A "Re-Introduction" to Education (ED/EDUC 1000)
- Studies in Communities and Their Schools (ED/EDPR 1000)
- The Psychoanalysis of Teaching and Learning: Studies in the teacher's emotional world (ED/EDUC 3650)
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