Lyndon Martin

Senior Advisor on Strategic Academic Initiatives, Professor

D.Phil - Oxford University, UK; B.Sc (Hons) - Loughborough University, UK; Cert.Ed. - Loughborough University, UK

Available to supervise graduate students


I am presently the Senior Advisor on Strategic Academic Initiatives in the Office of the Provost, and a Professor in the Faculty of Education. From 2020 to 2023 I was the Vice-Provost, Academic and from 2016 to 2020 I served as the Dean of the Faculty of Education. Before coming to York in 2009 I held three previous academic appointments: Kingston University (UK); University of British Columbia; University of East Anglia (UK). I also worked as a Research Associate at Oxford University and as a high school teacher of mathematics.

Scholarly Interests

My research is broadly situated in the field of mathematical thinking, learning, and teaching. More specifically I am interested in the notion of mathematical understanding - driven by the main question of what it might mean to understand a mathematical concept in different situations, and of how we might improve mathematics teaching to promote mathematical understanding.

Current and recent projects include: the potential for theoretical frameworks of understanding as pedagogical tools; the nature of collective understanding (especially as an improvisational process); workplace mathematical learning and understanding; students’ lived experiences of learning mathematics in schools; and teachers’ evolving understanding of mathematics embedded in social justice context problems.

Faculty & School/Dept

  • Faculty of Education - Graduate Studies - Bachelor of Education
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies, Education - Mathematics education

Selected Publications

  • Towers, J., Takeuichi, M., & Martin, L.C. (2018). Examining Contextual Influences on Early Years Students' Emotional Relationships with mathematics. Research in Mathematics Education, 20 (2), 146-165.
  • Towers, J., Hall, J., & Martin, L.C. (2018). Using I Poems to Illuminate the Complexity of Students' Mathematical Identities. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 99 (2), 181-196.
  • Towers, J., Hall, J., Rapke, T., Martin, L.C. & Andrews, H. (2017). Autobiographical accounts of students' experiences learning mathematics: A review. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 17 (3), 152-164.
  • Towers, J., Takeuchi, M., Hall, J., & Martin, L. C. (2017). Students' emotional experiences learning mathematics in Canadian schools. In U. Xolocotzil (Ed.), Understanding emotions in mathematical thinking and learning (pp. 163-186).
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2016). Folding back and growing understanding: A longitudinal study of learning. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 5 (4), 281-294.
  • Takeuichi, M., Towers, J., & Martin, L.C. (2016). What contributes to positive feelings towards mathematics?: Examining mathematics autobiographies. (Wood, M. B., Turner, E. E., Civil, M., & Eli, J. A. , Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Pyschology of Mathematics Education, 1119-11122.
  • Towers, J., Takeuichi, M., & Martin, L.C. (2016). Images of mathematics learning revealed through students' experiences of collaboration. (Csíkos, C., Rausch, A., & Szitányi, J. , Eds.) Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 4, 267-276.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2016). Folding back, thickening and mathematical met-befores. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 43, 89-97.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. ( (2016). Teaching for understanding: Folding back and working with prior knowledge. (Csíkos, C., Rausch, A., & Szitányi, J. , Eds.) Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 3, 267-274.
  • Towers, J. & Martin, L.C. (2015). ). Enactivism and the study of collectivity. ZDM: Mathematics Education, 47 (2), 247-256.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2015). Growing mathematical understanding through Collective Image Making, Collective Image Having, and Collective Property Noticing. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 88 (1).
  • McGarvey, L., Davis, B., Glanfield, F., Martin, L.C., Mgombelo, J., Proulx, J., Simmt, E., Thom, J., & Towers, J. (2015). Collective learning: Conceptualizing the possibilities in the mathematics classroom.. (In Bartell, T.G., Bieda, K.N., Putnam, R.T., Bradfield, K., & Dominguez, H. , Eds.) Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1333-1342.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2014). Growing mathematical understanding through Collective Image Making, Collective Image Having, and Collective Property Noticing. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
  • Towers, J. & Martin, L.C. (2014). Building Mathematical Understanding Through Collective Property Noticing. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 14 (1), 58-75.
  • Mamolo, A. & Martin, L.C. (2013). Mathematical understanding in a social justice context. (M. Martinez, & A. Castro Superfine, Eds.) Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 821-824.
  • Towers, J., Martin, L.C., & Heater, B. (2013). Teaching and learning mathematics in the collective. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32 (3), 424-433. doi:10.1016/j.jmathb.2013.04.005.
  • Martin, L.C., Towers, J., & Ruttenberg, R. (2012). Expanding the Dynamical Theory for the Growth of Mathematical Understanding to the collective. (L.R. Van Zoest, J.J. Lo, & J.L. Kratky, Eds.) Proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1182-1185.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2012). "Some guys wouldn't use three-eighths on anything...": Improvisational coaction in an apprenticeship training classroom. .7 (1), 8-19.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2011). Improvisational understanding in the mathematics classroom. In Sawyer, K. (Ed.), Structure and Improvisation in Creative Teaching. Cambridge University Press
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2010). Distinguishing interaction and improvisational coaction. (P. Brosnan, D.B. Erchick, & L. Flevares, Eds.) Proceedings of the thirty-second annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 6, 386-392.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2009). Improvisational coactions and the growth of collective mathematical understanding. Research in Mathematics Education, 11 (1), 1-19.
  • Towers, J. & Martin, L.C. (2009). The emergence of a 'better' idea: Pre-service teachers' growing understanding of mathematics-for-teaching. For the Learning of Mathematics, 29 (2), 37-41.
  • Glanfield, F., Martin, L.C., Murphy, S., & Towers, J. (2009). Co-emergence and collective mathematical knowing. (M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou, & H. Sakonidis , Eds.) Proceedings of the thirty-third annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 257-261.
  • Martin, L.C. (2008). Folding back and the growth of mathematical understanding: Extending the Pirie-Kieren Theory. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 27 (1), 64-85.
  • Martin, L.C. & LaCroix, L. (2008). Images and the growth of understanding of mathematics-for-working. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 8 (2), 121-139.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2007). Improvisational etiquette and the growth of mathematical understanding. (T. Lamberg, & L. R. Wiest , Eds.) Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 457-464.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2006). Improvisational co-actions and the growth of collective mathematical understanding. (S. Alatorre, J.L. Cortina, M. Saiz & A. Mendez , Eds.) Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 631-638.
  • Martin, L.C., Towers, J. & Pirie, S.E.B. (2006). Collective mathematical understanding as improvisation. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 8 (2), 149-183.
  • Martin, L.C., LaCroix, L. & Fownes, L. (2005). Folding back and the growth of mathematical understanding in workplace training. Adults Learning Mathematics, 1 (1), 19-35.
  • Martin, L.C. & Pirie, S.E.B. (2003). Making images and noticing properties: The role of the computer in Mathematical Generalisation. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 15 (2), 171-186.

Selected Presentations

  • Allan, A., Rapke, T. & Martin, L.C. (2017, July). Setting aside: How teachers can support students to build on prior knowledge. Presented at: Paper presentation at the thirteenth International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, Germany.
  • Martin, L.C., Towers, J., & Ruttenberg, R. (2014, April 1). The role of collective folding back in the growth of mathematical understanding. Presented at: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2012). The nature and growth of collective mathematical understanding. . Presented at: Paper presented at at the Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education
  • Martin, L.C. & Towers, J. (2011). Improvisational coactions in the workplace training classroom. Presented at: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Towers, J. & Martin, L.C. (2007). The emergence of a better idea: Pre-service teachers growing understanding of mathematics-for-teaching. Presented at: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL
  • Martin, L.C. & LaCroix, L. (2004). Images and the growth of mathematical understanding in workplace training. Presented at: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Manu, S. & Martin, L.C. (2004). Bilingual students language switching and their growth of mathematical understanding: A study of Tongan school students. Presented at: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA

Research Projects

Transforming Mathematical Identities: The Potential for Collective Learning to Create Free Spaces for Mathematics

Role: Co-Investigator

Amount funded: $286,400

Year Funded: 2020

Duration: 5

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Advancing research methodology in mathematics education for collective learning systems’

Role: Co-Investigator

Amount funded: $355,000

Year Funded: 2014

Duration: 5

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Teaching for Mathematical Understanding: The potential of folding back as a research tool

Role: Principal Investigator

Amount funded: $180,000

Year Funded: 2012

Duration: 3

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Mathematics Experiences, Images and Identities

Role: Co-Investigator

Amount funded: $139,000

Year Funded: 2012

Duration: 3

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Exploring teacher knowledge of mathematics in issues of social justice

Role: Co-Investigator

Amount funded: $69,000

Year Funded: 2012

Duration: 3

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

The Nature of Collective Mathematical Understanding

Role: Co-Investigator

Amount funded: $112,000

Year Funded: 2009

Duration: 3

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

The Growth of Mathematical Understanding in Workplace Training

Role: Principal Investigator

Amount funded: $168,000

Year Funded: 2003

Duration: 3

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Developing Numeracy in the Workplace

Role: Principal Investigator

Amount funded: $147,000

Year Funded: 2003

Duration: 4

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

The Nature and Potential Power of Mathematical Problem Posing as a Classroom Activity

Role: Co-Investigator

Amount funded: $126,000

Year Funded: 1999

Duration: 3

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)