Kate Tilleczek

Professor, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1), Youth, Education & Global Good, Director (Founder), Young Lives Research Lab- CANADA

PhD - University of Toronto; MA - Laurentian University; BEd - Nipissing University; BA - Wilfrid Laurier University

Location(s) / Contact Info:

Winters College - WC
Keele Campus

Email: ktilleczek@yorku.ca

Website: Young Lives Research Laboratory



Kate Tilleczek is a Full Professor who holds the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Youth, Education & Global Good at York University.  She is the Director (and founder) of the Young Lives Research Laboratory (YLRL), a virtual research, communication and connection hub developed alongside young people to understand and record how youth navigate challenges in the digital warming world (e.g. the Anthropocence, digital age, climate change, ecological degradation, challenges to mental wellbeing). The team has developed unique, youth-centered participatory processes and findings on these topics and put them to use in re-imagining quality education with and for young people and their communities. She is currently leading the Partnership for Youth and Planetary Wellbeing to research overlapping climate and social crises alongside youth. Working across countries (Canada, Belize, Chile, Costa Rica and Jamaica) with a large team, partners and, communities.  She is also leading the SSHRC funded Youth in the Digital Age to continue a 10 year study of the influences on digital technology on the social and educational lives of young people in Canada and beyond. 

Faculty & School/Dept

  • -
  • Faculty of Education -
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies, Education -

Selected Publications

    Service/Community Activities