Lorin Schwarz

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream

Location(s) / Contact Info:

Winters College - WC
Keele Campus

Email: lschwarz@edu.yorku.ca

Courses Taught

  • Adolescent Development & Health (ED/EDFE 1101)
  • Foundations of Education & Theory Into Practice (ED/EDFE 2000)
  • Inclusion, Disabilities and Education (ED/EDFE 1300)
  • Language & Literacy in the Junior-Intermediate Divisions (ED/EDJI 1000)
  • Representations of Childhood in Literature and Media (ED/EDFE 1100)
  • Selected Topics in Psychoanalysis (GS/EDUC 5920)
  • Studies in Communities and Their Schools (ED/EDPR 1000)
  • Teaching English in the Intermediate Division (ED/EN 3000)
  • Teaching English in the Intermediate-Senior Divisions - A (ED/EN 4000)
  • Teaching English in the Intermediate-Senior Divisions - B (ED/EN 4001)